Introduction to the Flats pages

These are my Flats pages. They describe the St Clair Flats themselves, and something of how I feel about them. The links meander, divide, reunite, and come to unexpected dead ends like the channels in the Flats.

New pages are added as the subjects come to mind. I'd like to hear from people -- whether they enjoyed the pages, hated them, would like to see more, whatever. Comment via e-mail.

My family has been in the Flats since the '20s. Being born into the Flats has colored how I feel about them, and has, to a large extent, made me who I am, so much of this has been included in my Flats pages.

A bridge is being proposed to Harsens Island from the mainland.

I oppose it, and so do most other people and organizations.
In favor of the bridge are a few commercial interests.
Check out this site:
Harsens Island Home Page

My mom's Flats pages: These few pages were all that we managed to get put down in text.
Guest Pages: pages by readers of my Flats pages
Some books about the Flats
Index of the Flats pages
My boat page
My home page
AirSho photo tour of SE Michigan, including the Flats. This is a commercial site, but they provide some 'postcard' views of the Flats on their web pages. The Flats are in St. Clair County.

Created: Wed, Mar 29, 1995
Modified: 11/11/2000 10:58:16 PM
By: Peter W. Meek
Net-sig: --Pete <>